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Press releases

Has Finland’s IPO activity stalled for good or set for a comeback?

According to a recent survey by the Finnish Venture Capital Association (FVCA), up to 57 private equity and venture capital -backed companies have the potential…

Quiet M&A market reflected in H1 2024 private equity investments in Finnish SMEs – Optimism on the rise

The slow merger and acquisition (M&A) market has been evident in the low volume of private equity investments in Finnish SMEs during the first half…

Finnish startups raise half a billion in funding in first half of 2024

Funding for Finnish startups remained steady in the first half of 2024, matching levels seen last year. Domestic venture capital (VC) investors were highly active…

Over 2000 new jobs created, rapid growth, and a strong tax footprint – Private equity-backed companies drive economic impact in Finland

Finnish companies owned by venture capital and private equity investors are growing significantly faster than their peers in revenue, employment, and productivity. In 2023, these…

ICEYE wins the 2024 Building Growth competition

ICEYE, a Finnish space technology company, was announced as the winner and audience favourite of the 2024 Building Growth competition, organised by the Finnish Venture…

Pääomasijoittajilla tutkitusti positiivinen vaikutus kohdeyhtiöiden vastuullisuuteen

Research shows private equity and venture capital investors positively impact sustainability of portfolio companies

Sustainability has become a key value creation tool for private equity investors, and a new study reveals that Finnish private equity and venture capital investors…

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Contact us

Additional information, comment requests and general inquiries:

Emilia Närhi
Head of Communications
+ 358 44 050 5468

Images for media

High-resolution pictures of our team members and our logo can be found in our image bank.

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